This build is a three storey Neo Fabuland B&B.
My current project is a large display that I will be exhibiting at Brickvention 2020 exploring something I am calling ‘Neo Fabuland’, the idea of employing Fabuland as a visual style, in much the same way that Neo-Classic Space looks to Classic Space as a set of design conventions. You can find out more about my goals for Neo Fabuland here if you are interested.
I have several builds for this display in progress and this is the sixth one that I am revealing.
First and foremost I wanted to take the level of detail up above the simplified forms of the original Fabuland sets (those sets were made for young builders after all). Unlike my first build, Edward’s Fishing Hut, this build is not based on an original Fabuland set but instead imagines Bonnie Bunny running a Bed & Breakfast.
This building (though slightly changed) was actually the first one I designed as a test of my Neo Fabuland idea, and it is by far the biggest Neo Fabuland building I have built so far.
It includes my take on Neo Fabuland windows, namely brick-built windows with vinyl cut sticker pane details mimicking the style of Fabuland windows.
Let me know what you think!
Built: 2019
Theme: Neo Fabuland
Exhibited: Brickvention 2020, Bendigo Bricks 2021, Brixpo 2021
This build has now been retired.