This is a quick build completed for a monthly build competition at Bendigo LEGO® User Group on the theme of ‘space’.
I am pretty happy with the outcome, it takes inspiration from the ships I built for my Neo-Classic Space build, A-83 Exploration Base but it is not REALLY Neo-Classic Space, largely because of it’s colour scheme. I did set out to create a Neo-Classic Space ship however I was limited by the blue pieces I had to hand and so chose to pick another colour all together – one which I rarely used – meaning that there was a wider range of spaceship suitable pieces to hand.
Anyway, I am pretty happy with how it turned out so I thought I might share it here as an example of something built using only pieces I had in my collection and in a short time frame.
I have named it the LL-96874 Separator after a couple of distinctive pieces that I am sure you recognise.
Built: 2019
Size: 32 x 32 x 16
Theme: QuickBuilds, Neo-Classic Space
This build has now been retired.