This build is a replica of the public buses from my home town of Bendigo, Victoria, Australia.
For as long as I can remember Bendigo buses have had the same livery, two bold stripes (one in blue and one in yellow – Bendigo’s traditional colours) running their length. In recent years an advertising company has been selling the sides of the buses as advertising space so we see less of their distinctive livery but for Bendigo residents there is no mistaking a Bendigo bus.
The form of my bus is loosely inspired by the green and yellow bus from LEGO set 60154 City Bus Station, one of the sets my wife Kara has on display in her modular city. I used the bus for inspiration but adapted the overall layout, positioning of doors, wheels and other details to better represent a standard Bendigo bus.
I also created some custom stickers for this build to add the Bendigo Transit logo, Victorian number plates, route signs and the Myki, PT and Scania logos.
This build now forms part of my Charing Cross display.