It has taken me a bit longer to get onto this post, as I have been unwell since I got home from Adelaide last Monday, but here are my top five builds from the Brixpo 2024!

Imperial Deployment by Jason Farrelly

Jason Farrelly actually displayed half of this build at Brixpo last year, but it has been significantly expanded since then with the addition of a landscape with buildings and terrain, not to mention the two huge AT-ATs.

The main things I love about this build are the textures and the detail, the same things that appeal to me about pretty much all good LEGO builds.

Well done Jason!

Down by the River by Abby Field

I am not sure if I have ever seen Abby’s work before, but her Down by the River display from Brixpo 2024 is one of my favourites!

I particularly love the scale that Abby has worked at, how expressive her animal builds are and the awesome techniques used in the water and the bullrushes.

Oh yeah, and when I grow up I want to be an otter, so that helps.

Menagerie of Geek by Kathy & Matthew Fazakerly

Kathy and Matthew displayed this build at Brickvention 2024, so I got to take a good look at it in January this year.

I have admired Matthew’s builds for some time – some standout builds being his Dalek maquettes from Brixpo 2023 and his Dinotopia scenes from Brixpo 2021 – and this year we get to what happens when he combines forces with his better half, Kathy.

All the details are on point in these mega-habitats from Indiana Jones, Game of Thrones, The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Foundation and Avatar from the colour palettes employed to the complex build techniques and parts usage.

Fantastic work Faz Builds!

Duplo AT-AT by Drew, Reece & Kate Harrington

This build is truly inspiring, the idea of building a huge AT-AT and Hoth battle scene using Duplo bricks is very unique, and Drew, Reece and Kate Harrington have nailed it.

There is an incredible understanding of the medium of Duplo bricks, the available parts and the colour palette at work here. Two details I particular love are the spanner pieces used for the guns on the AT-AT and the flower parts used as flames from the damaged engine of the snowspeeder.

Brilliant work!

South Australian Railways by The Graetz Family

I have admired Damien Graetz‘s builds for a while, specifically his landscape building techniques, and so his family’s South Australian Railways build from Brixpo this year really caught my eye.

I love the textures used in the landscaping, the rockwork and of course the way that colours have been used and mixed in this build. Truly a masterlcass.

Well done Graetz Family!

So there you have it, my top five builds from Brixpo 2024. If you attended the event I would love to know which builds were your favourites too!

If you enjoy these builds please make sure you connect with the builders and show them your support.