Okay, so I made a tactical error with my latest LEGO Ideas project, Downtown Records. I assumed that I would be able to update my listing with new images when I got to a certain level of support, but as it turns out you can only update your listing once a month… so I won’t be able to add all the new images I have created for the first floor and back of the build to LEGO Ideas just yet! Oh well, here they are here!

In my previous post you saw images of the downstairs interior and the outside of the building, but on this post you can now see that the upstairs of the building includes a decked out studio apartment with a kitchen, living room area and a bedroom area. I have also shown the back of the building with its spiral staircase.

So what do you think?
If would like to help make Downtown Records a real LEGO set, it’s free to support, all you need to do is head on over to LEGO Ideas, sign up for an account and hit that blue support button!
Thank you for your support!
I love Downtown Records! Any plans to sell the instructions and parts list if it doesn’t get chosen for Ideas?
Thanks Rick, it is not on the cards at the moment, and I would have to weigh up the amount of work involved to make instructions, but possibly!
Would you by any chance have just the parts list available?