Work in progress

Sneak Peek: Nearing the end

My current build, Ice Station Icarus is nearing completion, so this will be the last update! There is not much left to finish, mainly adding more texture through the addition of hundreds of round and quarter round 1x1 tiles, building a couple more rusted cargo containers and placing and making finishing touches where each [...]

2022-12-08T22:34:10+11:005th December 2022|Categories: Builds, Work in progress|Tags: |

Sneak peek: Camouflaged Outpost x 10

Some of you may have seen some sneak peeks of my current build on my Instagram or in some of the LEGO Castle groups on Facebook but I wanted to write a post about it here and specifically acknowledge it's inspiration. I am currently in the process of building a large Castle themed display [...]

2022-08-08T14:56:12+10:0023rd June 2021|Categories: Builds, Work in progress|Tags: , |
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