Three days ago my latest LEGO Ideas project went live on the platform seeking supporters and I have just realised that I have not really put it on my website properly yet, so today I am going to fix that (I have also realised that I haven’t put my previous project, Catherine Cat’s Café on here either – so I will need to do this soon as well, but I digress.)

Downtown Records is a modular record shop, ready and waiting to take it’s place in your LEGO city, I have packed it with brick built detail as well as custom printed parts (two of my favourite things about LEGO sets). I will gradually be revealing more of the set over time, but to start with I have revealed images of the building from the front, the side and the record store interior.
In total, Downtown Records contains about 3000 bricks and is divided into three sections. The bottom section includes a street scape including traffic light and crossing, leafy tree (I am particularly happy with how the tree turned out – I only had to rebuild it four times!) and a small news stand. Inside on the ground floor of the building there is the record store itself with shelves bulging with custom printed records on 2×2 tiles, a bathroom, and access to the staircase leading upstairs.

My aim with the design of the facade was to create a believable downtown two storey brick-faced building with stucco detailing and ornate architectural cornicing.
So if you would like to help make Downtown Records a real LEGO set, it’s free to support, all you need to do is head on over to LEGO Ideas, sign up for an account and hit that blue support button!
Thank you for your support!
[…] me for instructions for the round Neo Fabuland trees on Edward’s Island, the tree beside Downtown Records and most recently, the oak trees in The Fortress of Falkenholt, and well, you are in luck, because […]
[…] since I put my Downtown Records build up on LEGO Ideas back in August 2020 I have been asked almost constantly if there were instructions […]