The current LEGO Ideas’ contest is called ‘Out of this World Space Builds‘ where they are asking members to design a creative Space build with no more than 250 pieces which could potentially turn into a LEGO Gift with Purchase set. I thought I would give it a shot!
I initially thought that the best way to approach the subject matter of the contest was to build a Neo-Classic Space ship, and I did set about doing just that. My goal was to design a new ship similar in size and style to my LL-997 Viper (and I also checked and it only contains around 280 pieces so I thought I should be able to include the same level of detail within the piece limit of the contest.
I built my new ship over a couple of nights in Studio and when I was almost finished I did a couple of renders but when I looked at them again the next morning I decided – even though I had built it from scratch – it really looked too similar to my Viper design so I decided I should look at giving it a different colour scheme to set them apart from each other.
I quickly ruled out Ice Planet and Blacktron 1 colour schemes as I was sure that other people would explore them in the contest. Then I remembered a blog post by Richard at The Rambling Brick where he theorises that TLG might have actually given us the relaunch of Classic Space that we have been asking for in the form of the current LEGO City Space sets, but nobody noticed because the colour scheme was different and that sparked an idea. If LEGO sees City Space as a reboot of Classic Space then how about I approach it in the same was I would a Neo-Classic Space build.
Anyway, see what you think, I reckon that the white, orange, black and dark grey has a lot of potential!

Do you like it? Let me know by leaving a comment on the entry on LEGO Ideas.
Also, as I type this there are still 17 days left to submit entries to the contest, so if you want to submit a build of your own you should get on it!