
Building terrain

If you have seen my recent builds, A-83 Exploration Base, Edward's Island and The Fortress of Falkenholt, you will have seen that they share something in common, brick-built terrain and rock work. I love building terrain, and in my current Ice Planet Badlands build I am employing similar techniques to build an icy white [...]

2022-08-15T11:09:01+10:0010th May 2022|Categories: Builds, Techniques|Tags: |

Brixpo 2022

Will I see you at Brixpo 2022? This morning I received notification that my application to exhibit The Fortress of Falkenholt at Brixpo 2022 has been accepted. Brixpo 2022 runs from the 9th to the 10th of July at the St Clair Recreation Centre, Woodville in Adelaide. I had a great time exhibiting at Brixpo [...]

2022-04-12T09:05:27+10:0012th April 2022|Categories: Events|Tags: |

Bendigo Bricks 2022

See you at Bendigo Bricks 2022! I have just found out that my application to exhibit at Bendigo Bricks 2022 has been accepted Bendigo Bricks 2022 will run from the 23rd to the 24th of April at the Bendigo Exhibition Centre at the Prince of Wales Showgrounds in Holmes Road, North Bendigo. This will be [...]

2022-02-25T23:01:17+11:0025th February 2022|Categories: Events|Tags: |

Falkenholt on The Brothers Brick!

I have just found out that my castle build, The Fortress of Falkenholt was featured on The Brothers Brick. Thank you to The Brothers Brick team for featuring my build, it really means a lot to see my build being shared far and wide! I would especially like to take the time to thank [...]

2022-10-24T10:11:10+11:0021st January 2022|Categories: Builds, Media|Tags: , , |
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