
We’re in the running for 2019 ArchBrick Build of the Year!

I have just found out that my build of The Shamrock Hotel is a contender for the 2019 ArchBrick Build of the Year! To say I am excited is an understatement, I am glad to see this build getting some International attention as the building it represents is such a symbol of my home town. [...]

2021-07-14T03:59:40+10:0016th December 2019|Categories: Media|Tags: , , |

Wonderland Exhibition

I know I said previously that the next exhibition I would be exhibiting in would be Brickvention 2020, however I was mistaken. From next week, four of my builds will appear in an exhibition at the Bendigo Visitor Centre. The upcoming Wonderland exhibition at the Bendigo Visitor Centre's Living Arts Space will explore 'the connections [...]

2021-07-14T03:57:17+10:0026th November 2019|Categories: Events, Media|Tags: , , |
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