
Gyldenspir Castle reviewed by Ben Cossy

A couple of days ago I found out that Ben Cossy has reviewed another one of my builds, this time it is my Gyldenspir Castle build from Brickvention 2024. Thanks once again Ben for your kind words, I really appreciate you taking the time to take such an in depth look at my build! If [...]

2024-01-27T21:55:32+11:0030th January 2024|Categories: Builds, Media|Tags: , |

Panelled wall

This time I have made some instructions for the panelled walls that form a lot of the interior details in my Gyldenspir Castle build. The panels in this build are achieved by offsetting the middle of the walls with 1x2 jumper plates and using 1x1 modified bricks with a stud on the side to [...]

2023-11-17T19:37:52+11:0017th November 2023|Categories: Builds, Techniques|Tags: , |

Build update: Palace interiors

One of the goals that I set for myself in my current Yellow Castle inspired build was to build in a different time period than my previous castle build, The Fortress of Falkenholt, I have therefore chosen the year 1650 as a rough time period. The interiors of the Fortress of Falkenholt were mainly [...]

2023-10-27T16:30:35+11:002nd September 2023|Categories: Builds, Work in progress|Tags: , |

Exhibitor tokens

In my previous post I mentioned that this year the Brixpo Committee had encouraged exhibitors to give small tokens to builds that they thought had merit and discussed the builds that I chose to give tokens to myself, but in this post I want to thank the exhibitors who gave my build a token. [...]

2023-08-06T15:11:17+10:006th August 2023|Categories: Builds, Events|Tags: |

Build update: Finally some yellow

My current Yellow Castle build, is now quite a bit further along, so I thought it was time to post more progress photos. I have been building a lot of the first floor level of the internal buildings and fleshing out some of the architectural details in terms of columns, doors, windows and stairs. [...]

2023-06-14T20:41:14+10:0014th June 2023|Categories: Builds, Work in progress|Tags: , |


I decided to make some instructions for another feature of my castle that I have been asked about, and this one was created before the doors and window designs, this time it is the arrowslits in the outer curtain walls. These ones really take advantage of the shape created by the profile of ingot [...]

2023-05-24T16:33:05+10:0025th May 2023|Categories: Builds, Techniques|Tags: , |

Dragonkeep on the Brothers Brick

Today a few people let me know that my Dragonkeep Postcard that I built for last month's Bendigo LEGO® User Group monthly build competition has been featured on The Brothers Brick. Thank you to The Brothers Brick team and especially Daniel for featuring my build, I particularly liked how he specifically mentioned the snout [...]

2023-05-21T20:51:43+10:0017th May 2023|Categories: Builds, Media|Tags: , , |
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