Work in progress

Build update: Ready to rock

As you are no doubt aware I have been building my part of our collaborative pirates-themed Blackskull Archipelago build since January, I should be further along by now but I am starting to finally feel like I am finally getting somewhere with it!Since my last progress post I have been working almost exclusively on caves [...]

2024-08-15T10:33:15+10:0015th August 2024|Categories: Builds, Work in progress|Tags: |

Build update: Palace interiors

One of the goals that I set for myself in my current Yellow Castle inspired build was to build in a different time period than my previous castle build, The Fortress of Falkenholt, I have therefore chosen the year 1650 as a rough time period. The interiors of the Fortress of Falkenholt were mainly [...]

2023-10-27T16:30:35+11:002nd September 2023|Categories: Builds, Work in progress|Tags: , |

Build update: Finally some yellow

My current Yellow Castle build, is now quite a bit further along, so I thought it was time to post more progress photos. I have been building a lot of the first floor level of the internal buildings and fleshing out some of the architectural details in terms of columns, doors, windows and stairs. [...]

2023-06-14T20:41:14+10:0014th June 2023|Categories: Builds, Work in progress|Tags: , |
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