Neo Fabuland

Edward’s Island on The Brothers Brick

This morning I awoke to the news that my Neo Fabuland build, Edward's Island was featured on The Brothers Brick.Thank you to The Brothers Brick team for making this happen, and especially to Lino Martins for his awesome review of Edward's Island which you can read here.I should also thank Lino for reviewing Boris' Post [...]

2025-01-31T20:37:20+11:0026th January 2020|Categories: Media|Tags: , , |

Revisiting 3660 Fisherman’s Cottage

I decided to start my Neo Fabuland build by building an homage to an original Fabuland set, the set I have chosen is 3660 from 1985, known as Fisherman's Cottage or Fisherman's Wharf. First of all let's take a look at the original set and the key features that I wanted to [...]

2025-01-31T20:37:42+11:0014th July 2019|Categories: Builds|Tags: , , |

Contemplating Neo Fabuland

So, for just under a month now I have been planning, LDD-ing and purchasing pieces to start building my build for display at next year's Brickvention in Melbourne. I have decided after tackling Neo-Classic Space in last year's display, to this time take on another beloved classic LEGO theme from my childhood, Fabuland. I [...]

2025-01-31T20:37:53+11:0026th May 2019|Categories: Builds|Tags: , , |
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