
Boris’ Post Office Review

About a billion years ago (well, the 19th of November last year actually) I was contacted by Graham from Blocks Magazine to let me know that my build Boris' Post Office would be featured in their upcoming 100 Incredible LEGO Builds publication. In case you don't know, I live in Australia, which is quite [...]

2025-01-31T20:36:29+11:006th April 2023|Categories: Builds, Media|Tags: , , |

Boris in 100 Incredible LEGO Builds

I received an email from Graham at Blocks Magazine yesterday to let me know that my Neo Fabuland build, Boris' Post Office is featured in their new special edition, 100 Incredible LEGO Builds. Blocks 100 Incredible LEGO Builds is our celebration of fan creativity to mark 100 issues of Blocks magazine. And [...]

2025-01-31T20:36:44+11:0019th November 2022|Categories: Builds, Media|Tags: , , |

Edward’s Island in BrickJournal

My Neo Fabuland display, Edward's Island is featured in the November 2021 issue of BrickJournal, it even made the front cover! The magazine is not out until the 13th of October, but you can subscribe and see a preview of some content in the issue here. I was interviewed by Joe Meno from [...]

2025-01-31T20:36:51+11:0027th September 2021|Categories: Builds, Media|Tags: , |

Edward’s Island on LEGO Australia

Today my build Edward's Island was featured on the LEGO Australia Facebook Page. Suffice to say it made my day to see something that I built shown by LEGO to their own social media audience. Thank you to the LEGO team for featuring my build, I am not really sure how to top that [...]

2025-01-31T20:37:09+11:0019th May 2020|Categories: Media|Tags: , , |

Edward’s Island on The Brothers Brick

This morning I awoke to the news that my Neo Fabuland build, Edward's Island was featured on The Brothers Brick.Thank you to The Brothers Brick team for making this happen, and especially to Lino Martins for his awesome review of Edward's Island which you can read here.I should also thank Lino for reviewing Boris' Post [...]

2025-01-31T20:37:20+11:0026th January 2020|Categories: Media|Tags: , , |
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